location_on Tamil Nadu - Chennai
Supply of Taq DNA Polymerase, Brasil origin, Invitrogen-11615010 , dNTP Set, 100 mM, Invitrogen-10297018 , 100 bp DNA Ladder, Invitrogen-15628019 , 1 Kb Plus DNA Ladder, Invitrogen -10787026 , 50 bp DNA Ladder, INVITROGEN10416014 , QIAamp DNA Blood mini kit, 250rxns per pack, Qiagen-51106 , DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit, 50 preps, QIAGEN-69504 , Dneasy Blood and Tissue Kit, 250rxns, QIAGEN-69506 , QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit, 250 preps, QIAGEN-28706 , QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit 50, QIAGEN28704 , QIAamp DNA Mini Kit 250, QIAGEN-51306 , Nuclease-Free Water 1000 ml, QIAGEN-129115 , Random Hexamers 100 micro litre, QIAGEN-79236
SectorHealth Services And Equipments
AgencyIndian Council Of Medical Research
OwnershipCentral Government And Public Sector
ReferenceGem Bids
location_on Tamil Nadu - Chennai
Supply of Acetone extrapure AR, 99.5 percentage, 500 ML per pack, SRL-15168 , Methanol, 500mL per pack, SRL-59029 , Methanol, 2.5L per pack, SRL-59029 , Aniline extrapure AR, 99.5 percentage, 500ML, SRL-22285 , Boric Acid extrapure AR, 99.5 percentage, SRL-80266 , Chloroform extrapure, 99 percentage, 500ML per pack, SRL-96712 , EDTA Disodium Salt Dihydrate for molecular biology, 99.5 percentage, 500gram per pack, SRL-43272 , Tris Buffer Superior for molecular biology, 99.9 percentage, SRL-37969 , Dimethyl Sulphoxide DMSO extrapure, 99 percentage, 500ML per pack, SRL-43404 , Sodium Chloride for molecular biology, 99.9 percentage, 500 gram per pack, SRL-33205 , Polyethylene glycol 8000- PEG 8000, for molecular biology, Carbowax 8000, 500gram per pack, SRL-54866 , Magnesium Chloride Anhydrous extrapure, 98 percentage500Gram per pack, SRL-31196 , Magnesium Sulphate Dried for cell culture, 62-70 percentage, MgSO4, 99 percentage, Endotoxin-BET, 0.05EU or mg, 100Gram per pack, SRL36502 , Calcium Chloride Dihydrate for molecular biology, 99.5 percentage, 500Grams per pack, SRL-97080 , Phenol Crystalline for molecular biology, 99.5 percentage, SRL17286 , Isoamyl Alcohol - Isopentyl Alcohol- pure, 99 percentage, 500ML per pack, SRL-57020 , Acicase-Casein Acid Hydrolysate, Casamino Acids- BactoBio for bacteriology-500Gram per pack, SRL-68806 , Potassium Tellurite Monohydrate extrapure, 90 percentage, 100 Gram per pack, SRL-35889 , Potassium Chloride extrapure AR, 99.5 percentage, 500gram per pack, SRL-38630 , D- - - Tartaric Acid extrapure, 99 percentage, 100gram per pack, SRL-28682 , Sodium Thiosulphate Anhydrous extrapure AR, 99.5 percentage, SRL-89728 , Sodium Phosphate Dibasic Dodecahydrate extrapure AR, 99 percentage, SRL-83417 , Potassium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate for molecular biology, 99.5 percentage, 250grams per pack, SRL-54358 , Sodium Bicarbonate for molecular biology, 99.7 percentage, 500grams per pack, SRL-36328 , EDTA Disodium Salt Dihydrate for molecular biology, 99.5 percentage, SRL43272 , Nalidixic Acid free acid extrapure, 99 percentage, 5 Grams per pack, SRL-20346 , Ficoll 400 for molecular biology, 25 Grams per pack, SRL-45460 , Sodium Hydroxide Pellets ACS, 98 percentage, 500GRAM per pack, SRL-68151 , N,N,N,N-Tetramethyl Ethylenediamine-TEMED, for molecular biology, 99.5 percentage, 100 ml per pack, SRL52145 , Ethidium Bromide for molecular biology, 95 percentage, 5 GRAM per pack, SRL-93079 , Sodium Acetate Anhydrous for molecular biology, 99 percentage, 500grams per pack, SRL-22342 , 2-Propanol, Sigma-Aldrich-190764- 500ML per pack , Mutanolysin from Streptomyces globisporus ATCC 21553-10,000Units, Sigma-Aldrich-M9901- 10KU , Gel Loading Buffer, Sigma Aldrich- G2526-5ML PACK , Acetic acid, Sigma-Aldrich- A6283-500ML PACK , Sodium chloride, Sigma-Aldrich- S9888-500GRAM PACK , Poly, ethylene glycol, 500gram per pack, Sigma-Aldrich- P5413 , Phorbol 12-myristate 13- acetate, Sigma-Aldrich- P8139 , Poly, ethylene glycol, Sigma-Aldrich- P5413-500GRAM PACK , Hydrochloric acid about 37 percentage, for analysis EMPARTA-ACS, Supelco-1930012521 , TRIzol-Reagent 200ML, INVITROGEN-15596026 , DNAZap-PCR DNA Degradation Solutions, 250 ml per pack, INVITROGENAM9890 , Rnase AWAY Decontamination reagent-250ml per pack, INVITROGEN-10328011 , LONZA Agarose powder, Size 500 microliter in Poly bottle, Lonza-50004 , Hexamethylene bisacetamide, Abcam- ab142438 , Hydrogen Peroxide solution, 30 percentage-SQ, QUALIGENS- Q18755 , AXYGENTF-300-R-S, 0.1uL to 10uL Tips, 96 Tips per Rack, 10 Rack per Pack , AXYGEN-TF-1000-R-S, 100uL to 1000uL Tips, 100 Tips per Rack, 10 Rack per Pack , AXYGEN-TF-20-R-S, 2uL to 20uL Tips, 96 Tips per Rack, 10 Rack per Pack , AXYGEN-TF200-R-S, 2uL to 200uL Tips, 96 Tips per Rack, 10 Rack per Pack
SectorHealth Services And Equipments
AgencyIndian Council Of Medical Research
OwnershipCentral Government And Public Sector
ReferenceGem Bids
location_on Tamil Nadu - Chennai
Supply of VITEK-2 GN, 20nos per pack, bioMerieux-21341 , VITEK-2 AST N-406, 20nos per pack, bioMerieux-423869 , VITEK-2 GP, 20nos per pack, bioMerieux-21342 , VITEK-2 P628, 20nos per pack, bioMerieux-414534 , VITEK Saline Bottles, 0.45 percentage, BioMerieux-V1204 , VITEK-2 Unsensitized Tubes, 2000nos per pack, BioMerieux-69285 , S line petri dishes, 100x15, 100nos per Case, BOROSIL-3165077 , S line petri dishes, 90x15, 100nos per Case, BOROSIL-3165A75 , LOW FORM BEAKER With Spout, 100ML capacity, dimension50x70, 40nos per Case, BOROSIL-1000D16 , LOW FORM BEAKER With Spout, 250ML capacity, dimension-60x80, 40nos per Case, BOROSIL-1000D21 , LOW FORM BEAKER With Spout, 500ML capacity, dimension-60x80, 40nos per Case, BOROSIL-1000D24 , Reagent bottle-Narrow mouth with screw cap, 100ML capacity, dimension-56x100, 10nos per Case, BOROSIL-1501016 , Reagent bottle-Narrow mouth with screw cap, 250ML capacity, dimension-70x138, 10nos per Case, BOROSIL-1501021 , Reagent bottle-Narrow mouth with screw cap, 500ML capacity, dimension-86x177, 10nos per Case, BOROSIL-1501024 , Conical Flask Laboratory Flask 100mm, BOROSIL-4980016 , Erlenmeyer-Conical flaskNarrow mouth with rim, capacity-250 ML, dimension85x145, 40nos per Case, BOROSIL-4980021 , ErlenmeyerConical flask-Narrow mouth with rim, capacity-500 ML, dimension-105x180, 40nos per case, BOROSIL-4980024 , Erlenmeyer-Conical flask-with screw cap, capacity-100 ML, 20nos per Case, BOROSIL-5021016 , Erlenmeyer-Conical flask-with screw cap, capacity-250 ML, 20nos per Case, BOROSIL-5021021 , Erlenmeyer-Conical flask-with screw cap, capacity-500 ML, 10nos per Case, BOROSIL-5021024 , Borosil 6x150mm Glass L Shaped Spreader, 100nos per Case, BOROSIL-9865683
SectorHealth Services And Equipments
AgencyIndian Council Of Medical Research
OwnershipCentral Government And Public Sector
ReferenceGem Bids
location_on Tamil Nadu - Chennai
Supply of Nutrient Broth, HIMEDIA-M002-100G PACK , Nutrient Broth, HIMEDIA-M002-500G PACK , Nutrient agar, HIMEDIA-M001- 100G PACK , Nutrient agar, HIMEDIA-M001-500G PACK , MacConkey Agar with 0.15 percentage Bile salts, CV and NaCl, HIMEDIA-M081-100G PACK , MacConkey Agar with 0.15 percentage Bile salts, CV and NaCl, HIMEDIA-M081- 500G PACK , MacConkey Agar without CV, NaCl, with 0.5 percentage Bile Salts, HIMEDIA-M082-100G PACK , MacConkey Agar without CV, NaCl, with 0.5 percentage Bile Salts, HIMEDIA-M082-500G PACK , BHI Broth-Brain Heart Infusion Broth, HIMEDIA-M210I-500G PACK , BHI Agar-Brain Heart Infusion Agar, HIMEDIA-M211-100G PACK , BHI AgarBrain Heart Infusion Agar, HIMEDIA-M211-500G PACK , Tryptone Soya Agar-Casein Soyabean Digest Agar, Soyabean Casein Digest Agar, HIMEDIA-M290-500G PACK , Soyabean Casein Digest Medium-Tryptone Soya Broth, HIMEDIA-M011-100G PACK , Soyabean Casein Digest Medium-Tryptone Soya Broth, HIMEDIA-M011-500G PACK , Luria Bertani Broth, Miller-Miller Luria Bertani Broth, HIMEDIA-M1245-100G PACK , Luria Bertani Broth, MillerMiller Luria Bertani Broth, HIMEDIA-M1245-500G PACK , Luria Bertani Agar, Miller-Miller Luria Bertani Agar, HIMEDIAM1151-100G PACK , Luria Bertani Agar, Miller-Miller Luria Bertani Agar, HIMEDIA-M1151-500G PACK , Mueller Hinton Agar, HIMEDIA-M173-500G PACK , Mueller Hinton broth, HIMEDIA-M391-500G PACK , Mueller Hinton Broth No. 2 Control Cations, HIMEDIA-M1657-500G PACK , Alkaline peptone water, HIMEDIA-M618-100G PACK , Peptone Water, HIMEDIA-M028-100G PACK , MR-VP Medium-Buffered Glucose Broth, HIMEDIA-M070S-100G PACK , Triple Sugar Iron Agar, HIMEDIA-M021-100G PACK , Urea Agar Base Christensen-Autoclavable, HIMEDIA-M112-100G PACK , Simmons citrate agar, HIMEDIA-M099-100G PACK , Nitrate broth, HIMEDIA-M439-100G PACK , SS Agar-Salmonella Shigella Agar, HIMEDIA-M108-100G PACK , Bile Esculin Agar, HIMEDIA-M972-100G PACK , Decarboxylase Test Medium Base-Falkow, HIMEDIA-M912-100G PACK , Phenolphthalein Phosphate Agar, HIMEDIA-M652-500G PACK , DNase Test Agar Base, HIMEDIA-M482-100G PACK , Lysine Iron Agar, HIMEDIA-M377-100G PACK , Mannitol Motility test medium, HIMEDIA-M770-100G PACK , PYR Broth, HIMEDIA-M1789- 500G PACK , PYR Reagent, HIMEDIA-R043-10ML PACK , ONPG Broth, HIMEDIA-M1930-100G PACK , Todd Hewitt Broth, HIMEDIA-M313-100G PACK , MacConkey Sorbitol Agar-Sorbitol Agar, HIMEDIA-M298-100G PACK , Selenite F Broth-Twin Pack-Medium 11, HIMEDIA-MM052-100G PACK , TCBS Agar, HIMEDIA-M189-100G PACK , Phenol Red Indicator-125mL pack, HIMEDIA-I010 , Andrades Indicator125mL pack, HIMEDIA-I001 , Bromocresol purple, Practical grade, HIMEDIA-GRM912-5G PACK , Bromothymol blue, HIMEDIA-MB196-5G PACK , Bromothymol blue indicator, HIMEDIA-I005-125ML PACK , Barritt Reagent A-for VP test, HIMEDIA-R029-100ML PACK , Barritt Reagent B-for VP test, HIMEDIA-R030-100ML PACK , Methyl Red Indicator, HIMEDIA-I007-125ML PACK , Kovacs indole reagent, HIMEDIA-R008-100ML PACK , Oxidase Discs, 50 discs per vial, HIMEDIA-DD018-1VL , Lugols iodine, HIMEDIA-S019- 125ML , ZN Acid fast stain kit , HIMEDIA-K005-1KT , Naphthylamine solution, HIMEDIA-R009-100ML , Methylene blue trihydrate, Practical grade, HIMEDIA-GRM956-25G , Crystal violet, Practical grade, HIMEDIA-GRM961-25G , Safranine, Practical grade, HIMEDIA-GRM1315-25G , D-plusMannose, HIMEDIA-RM104-25G , D-plus-Maltose monohydrate, HIMEDIA-GRM3050-100G , D-Mannitol, HIMEDIA-RM2300-25G , Arabinose or L plus Arabinose, HIMEDIA-GRM037-25G , D-plus-Xylose, HIMEDIA-GRM111- 25G , D-plus-Trehalose dihydrate, HIMEDIA-GRM110-10G , D-plus-Glucose monohydrate, HIMEDIA-TC208 , L-Arginine monohydrochloride, HIMEDIA-GRM039-25G , L-Ornithine monohydrochloride, HIMEDIA-RM057-25G , L-Lysine monohydrochloride, HIMEDIA-GRM055-100G , L- amino acid kit, HIMEDIA-GRM4020-1KT , ONPG, 50 discs per vial, HIMEDIA-DD008-1VL , Optochin, 5 mcg, 50 discs per vial, HIMEDIA-DD009-1VL , X Factor, 50 discs per vial, HIMEDIADD020-1VL , X plus V Factor, 50 discs per vial, HIMEDIADD022-1VL , V Factor, 50 discs per vial, HIMEDIA-DD021- 1VL , Glycerol, HIMEDIA-MB060-500ML , C.S.F. Diluting Fluid, HIMEDIA-R004-125ML , Amikacin, HIMEDIA-SD035 , Amoxyclav, HIMEDIA-SD063 , Ampicillin, HIMEDIA-SD002 , Ampicillin sulbactam, HIMEDIA-SD112 , Azithromycin, HIMEDIA-SD204 , Aztreonam, HIMEDIA-SD212 , Bacitracin, HIMEDIA-SD003 , Cefotaxime, HIMEDIA-SD040 , Cefotetan, HIMEDIA-SD249 , Cefoxitin, HIMEDIA-SD041 , Ceftazidime, HIMEDIA-SD062 , Ceftriaxone, HIMEDIA-SD065 , Chloramphenicol, HIMEDIA-SD006 , Ciprofloxacin , HIMEDIASD060 , Clindamycin, HIMEDIA-SD051 , Cefepime, HIMEDIASD219 , Cotrimoxazole-Sulpha OR Trimethoprim, HIMEDIASD010 , Doripenem, HIMEDIA-SD283 , Ertapenem, HIMEDIASD280 , Erythromycin, HIMEDIA-SD013 , Fosfomycin, HIMEDIA-SD205 , GentamicinHLG, HIMEDIA-SD195 , Gentamicin, HIMEDIA-SD016 , Levofloxacin, HIMEDIA-SD216 , Linezolid, HIMEDIA-SD215 , Meropenem, HIMEDIA-SD727 , Piperacillin-tazobactam, HIMEDIA-SD210 , Polymixin-B, HIMEDIA-SD029 , Tetracycline, HIMEDIA-SD037 , Vancomycin, HIMEDIA-SD045 , Cefuroxime, HIMEDIA-SD061 , Colistin Sulphate, HIMEDIA-SD297 , Cefoxitin- cloxacillin, HIMEDIA-SD285-1VL , Cefotaxime-clavulanic acid, HIMEDIASD724-1VL , Ceftazidime-clavulanic acid, HIMEDIA-SD207- 1VL , Doxycycline hydrochloride, HIMEDIA-SD012-1VL , Fluconazole, HIMEDIA-SD114-1VL , Imipenem, HIMEDIASD073-1VL , Minocycline, HIMEDIA-SD158-1VL , Mupirocin, HIMEDIA-SD748-1VL , Nalidixic acid, HIMEDIA-SD021-1VL , Nitrofurantoin, HIMEDIA-SD023-1VL , Norfloxacin, HIMEDIASD057-1VL , Oxacillin, HIMEDIA-SD088-1VL , Penicillin-G, HIMEDIA-SD028-1VL , Rifmapicin, HIMEDIA-SD030-1VL , Teicoplanin, HIMEDIA-SD213-1VL , Tigecycline, HIMEDIASD278-1VL , Trimethoprim, HIMEDIA-SD039-1VL , Novobiocin, HIMEDIA-SD053-1VL , Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, HIMEDIA-MH063-500G , Corn meal agar, HIMEDIAM146-500G , Sterile Cotton Swab, HIMEDIA-PW005- 1X100Nos. , Balsam canada, Natural, HIMEDIA-GRM321- 500G , Boric acid, 500gm, HIMEDIA-MB007-500G , Tris buffer, HIMEDIA-GRM1218-500 , Lysozyme, HIMEDIARM074-5G , Yeast Extract Powder, HIMEDIA-RM027F-500G , Agar powder, Bacteriological grade, HIMEDIA-GRM026-500G , Tryptone, MB grade, Casitose MB grade, HIMEDIA-RM7707- 500G , Mannitol Salt Agar Base, HIMEDIA-M118-100G , Mannitol Salt Agar Base, HIMEDIA-M118-500G , Eosin Methylene blue agar, HIMEDIA-M317-100G , Deoxycholate Citrate Agar, HIMEDIA-M065-100G , Deoxycholate Citrate Agar, HIMEDIA-M065-500G , XLD Agar, HIMEDIA-M031-100G , XLD Agar, HIMEDIA-M031-500G , Columbia blood agar base, HIMEDIA-M144-100G , Hoyles Medium Base, HIMEDIAM015-100G , Columbia blood agar base, HIMEDIA-M144- 500G , Chocolate agar plate, HIMEDIA-MP103-20PT , Sucrose, Hi-ARTM or ACS, HIMEDIA-GRM3063-500G , Lactose monohydrate, Bacteriological grade, HIMEDIARM565-500G , D---Sorbitol powder, HIMEDIA-GRM109-500G , D-plus-Galactose, HIMEDIA-GRM101-25G , Congo red, Practical grade, HIMEDIA-GRM927-25G , Ferric chloride anhydrous, HIMEDIA-MB254-1G , Immersion oil, For microscopy, Low viscosity, HIMEDIA-GRM225-30G
SectorHealth Services And Equipments
AgencyIndian Council Of Medical Research
OwnershipCentral Government And Public Sector
ReferenceGem Bids
location_on Tamil Nadu - Chennai
Supply of Nucleospin Rna Mini Kit 50 Tests Per Kit One Step Tb Green Primescript Rt Pcr Kit Ii 100 Tests Per Kit Qiaamp Viral Rna Mini Kit Microamp Ab7500 Fast 96 Well Reaction Plates 0 Point 1Ml Microamp Optical Adhesive Films Ab7500 Fast
SectorHealth Services And Equipments
AgencyIndian Council Of Medical Research
OwnershipCentral Government And Public Sector
ReferenceGem Bids
location_on Tamil Nadu - Chennai
Supply of Human Luminex Discovery Assay 13 Plex Human Luminex Discovery Assay 10 Plex Tmb Substrate Solution Stop Solution For Tmb Substrates Permeabilization Buffer 10X Phosphate Buffer Solution 10X Rpmi With Sodium Bicarbonate Rt Hiv 1 Amp Kit 96Tst Rt Hiv 1 Ctl Asps Smpl Pur Kit
SectorHealth Services And Equipments
AgencyIndian Council Of Medical Research
OwnershipCentral Government And Public Sector
ReferenceGem Bids
location_on Tamil Nadu - Chennai
Supply of 1 Dslr Camera With Lens And Other Accessories
SectorHealth Services And Equipments
AgencyIndian Council Of Medical Research
OwnershipCentral Government And Public Sector
ReferenceGem Bids
location_on Tamil Nadu - Chennai
Supply Of 10 X Te Buffer 20 Pkg, Edta 0 Point 5 M 100 Ml, Sds Powder 100 G, Glycerol 2L, Lysozymes 1 G, Proteinase K, Nacl 500 G, Nuclease Free Water 1 L, Ctab 500 G, Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate 500 G, Tris 500 G, Chloroform 1 L, Isoamyl Alcohol 1 L, Isopropanol 1 L, Ethanol 1 L, Ph Paper, Syringe Filter 0 Point 2 Micron, Inoculation Loop, Tough Spots
SectorHealth Services And Equipments
AgencyIndian Council Of Medical Research
OwnershipCentral Government And Public Sector
ReferenceGem Bids
location_on Tamil Nadu - Chennai
Supply Of Levofloxacin, Ammonium Formate, K2hpo4, N2hpo4, Triethylamine, Linezolid, Bedaquiline Fumarate, Delamanid, Shim Pack Scepter, Shim Pack Xr Ods, Shim Pack Scepter Phenyl
SectorHealth Services And Equipments
AgencyIndian Council Of Medical Research
OwnershipCentral Government And Public Sector
ReferenceGem Bids