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Latest Tenders

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location_on Tamil Nadu - Chennai

Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum Wage - Unskilled; High School; Others

SectorSurvey Work

AgencyFishery Survey Of India

OwnershipCentral Government/Public Sector

ReferenceGem Bids

date_range Due On: 26 Feb, 2025

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location_on Tamil Nadu - Coimbatore

Sale Of Various Categories Of Old Used Gunnies Available In Tncsc Godowns Located In

SectorStorage And Warehousing

AgencyTamil Nadu Civil Supplies Corporation Limited

Ownershipcorporations/Associations/Others Tender

date_range Due On: 20 Feb, 2025

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INR 2.05 Lacs /-

location_on Tamil Nadu - Vellore

Supply of High Performance Power Supplies Q3

SectorEducation And Research Institutes

AgencyIndian Institute Of Astrophysics

OwnershipCentral Government/Public Sector

ReferenceGem Bids

date_range Due On: 20 Feb, 2025

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INR 1.41 Lacs /-

location_on Tamil Nadu - Kanchipuram

Calibration Services - Calibration Of Vbox3i Sl 100 Hz And Vbox Vbss20 For 4 Years At Vel Garc Chennai; Calibration Of Vbox3i Sl 100 Hz And Vbox Vbss20 For 4 Years At Vel Garc Chennai; Non Nabl; User Defined

SectorMachine And Tools

AgencyMinistry Of Heavy Industries And Public Entp

OwnershipCentral Government/Public Sector

ReferenceGem Bids

date_range Due On: 21 Feb, 2025

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location_on Tamil Nadu - Chennai

Supply of Mdm License For 3 Years Including Implementation

SectorBanking And Mutual Funds And Leasings

AgencyIndian Bank

OwnershipCentral Government/Public Sector

ReferenceGem Bids

date_range Due On: 25 Feb, 2025

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INR 73.7 Thousand /-

location_on Tamil Nadu - Chennai

Goods Transport Service ? Per Trip Based Service - Householdoffice; Containerized Truck; 20 Ft Single Axle

SectorSecurity Services

AgencyNational Security Guard

OwnershipCentral Government/Public Sector

ReferenceGem Bids

date_range Due On: 17 Feb, 2025

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INR 42.50 Lacs /-

location_on Tamil Nadu - Wellington

E- Tender For The Year 2024-2025 - Repairs To Existing Community Hall Including Plinth Protection At Jayanthi Nagar And Repairs To Existing Footpath At Babu Village Wellington

SectorSecurity Services

AgencyCantonment Board

OwnershipCentral Government/Public Sector Tender

date_range Due On: 20 Feb, 2025

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INR 39.00 Lacs /-

location_on Tamil Nadu - Wellington

E- Tender For The Year 2024-2025 - Repairs To Existing Retaining Wall Near Kilimanjaro Hall Wellington

SectorSecurity Services

AgencyCantonment Board

OwnershipCentral Government/Public Sector Tender

date_range Due On: 20 Feb, 2025

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INR 5.42 Lacs /-

location_on Tamil Nadu - Chennai

Supply of Nutrient Broth, HIMEDIA-M002-100G PACK , Nutrient Broth, HIMEDIA-M002-500G PACK , Nutrient agar, HIMEDIA-M001- 100G PACK , Nutrient agar, HIMEDIA-M001-500G PACK , MacConkey Agar with 0.15 percentage Bile salts, CV and NaCl, HIMEDIA-M081-100G PACK , MacConkey Agar with 0.15 percentage Bile salts, CV and NaCl, HIMEDIA-M081- 500G PACK , MacConkey Agar without CV, NaCl, with 0.5 percentage Bile Salts, HIMEDIA-M082-100G PACK , MacConkey Agar without CV, NaCl, with 0.5 percentage Bile Salts, HIMEDIA-M082-500G PACK , BHI Broth-Brain Heart Infusion Broth, HIMEDIA-M210I-500G PACK , BHI Agar-Brain Heart Infusion Agar, HIMEDIA-M211-100G PACK , BHI AgarBrain Heart Infusion Agar, HIMEDIA-M211-500G PACK , Tryptone Soya Agar-Casein Soyabean Digest Agar, Soyabean Casein Digest Agar, HIMEDIA-M290-500G PACK , Soyabean Casein Digest Medium-Tryptone Soya Broth, HIMEDIA-M011-100G PACK , Soyabean Casein Digest Medium-Tryptone Soya Broth, HIMEDIA-M011-500G PACK , Luria Bertani Broth, Miller-Miller Luria Bertani Broth, HIMEDIA-M1245-100G PACK , Luria Bertani Broth, MillerMiller Luria Bertani Broth, HIMEDIA-M1245-500G PACK , Luria Bertani Agar, Miller-Miller Luria Bertani Agar, HIMEDIAM1151-100G PACK , Luria Bertani Agar, Miller-Miller Luria Bertani Agar, HIMEDIA-M1151-500G PACK , Mueller Hinton Agar, HIMEDIA-M173-500G PACK , Mueller Hinton broth, HIMEDIA-M391-500G PACK , Mueller Hinton Broth No. 2 Control Cations, HIMEDIA-M1657-500G PACK , Alkaline peptone water, HIMEDIA-M618-100G PACK , Peptone Water, HIMEDIA-M028-100G PACK , MR-VP Medium-Buffered Glucose Broth, HIMEDIA-M070S-100G PACK , Triple Sugar Iron Agar, HIMEDIA-M021-100G PACK , Urea Agar Base Christensen-Autoclavable, HIMEDIA-M112-100G PACK , Simmons citrate agar, HIMEDIA-M099-100G PACK , Nitrate broth, HIMEDIA-M439-100G PACK , SS Agar-Salmonella Shigella Agar, HIMEDIA-M108-100G PACK , Bile Esculin Agar, HIMEDIA-M972-100G PACK , Decarboxylase Test Medium Base-Falkow, HIMEDIA-M912-100G PACK , Phenolphthalein Phosphate Agar, HIMEDIA-M652-500G PACK , DNase Test Agar Base, HIMEDIA-M482-100G PACK , Lysine Iron Agar, HIMEDIA-M377-100G PACK , Mannitol Motility test medium, HIMEDIA-M770-100G PACK , PYR Broth, HIMEDIA-M1789- 500G PACK , PYR Reagent, HIMEDIA-R043-10ML PACK , ONPG Broth, HIMEDIA-M1930-100G PACK , Todd Hewitt Broth, HIMEDIA-M313-100G PACK , MacConkey Sorbitol Agar-Sorbitol Agar, HIMEDIA-M298-100G PACK , Selenite F Broth-Twin Pack-Medium 11, HIMEDIA-MM052-100G PACK , TCBS Agar, HIMEDIA-M189-100G PACK , Phenol Red Indicator-125mL pack, HIMEDIA-I010 , Andrades Indicator125mL pack, HIMEDIA-I001 , Bromocresol purple, Practical grade, HIMEDIA-GRM912-5G PACK , Bromothymol blue, HIMEDIA-MB196-5G PACK , Bromothymol blue indicator, HIMEDIA-I005-125ML PACK , Barritt Reagent A-for VP test, HIMEDIA-R029-100ML PACK , Barritt Reagent B-for VP test, HIMEDIA-R030-100ML PACK , Methyl Red Indicator, HIMEDIA-I007-125ML PACK , Kovacs indole reagent, HIMEDIA-R008-100ML PACK , Oxidase Discs, 50 discs per vial, HIMEDIA-DD018-1VL , Lugols iodine, HIMEDIA-S019- 125ML , ZN Acid fast stain kit , HIMEDIA-K005-1KT , Naphthylamine solution, HIMEDIA-R009-100ML , Methylene blue trihydrate, Practical grade, HIMEDIA-GRM956-25G , Crystal violet, Practical grade, HIMEDIA-GRM961-25G , Safranine, Practical grade, HIMEDIA-GRM1315-25G , D-plusMannose, HIMEDIA-RM104-25G , D-plus-Maltose monohydrate, HIMEDIA-GRM3050-100G , D-Mannitol, HIMEDIA-RM2300-25G , Arabinose or L plus Arabinose, HIMEDIA-GRM037-25G , D-plus-Xylose, HIMEDIA-GRM111- 25G , D-plus-Trehalose dihydrate, HIMEDIA-GRM110-10G , D-plus-Glucose monohydrate, HIMEDIA-TC208 , L-Arginine monohydrochloride, HIMEDIA-GRM039-25G , L-Ornithine monohydrochloride, HIMEDIA-RM057-25G , L-Lysine monohydrochloride, HIMEDIA-GRM055-100G , L- amino acid kit, HIMEDIA-GRM4020-1KT , ONPG, 50 discs per vial, HIMEDIA-DD008-1VL , Optochin, 5 mcg, 50 discs per vial, HIMEDIA-DD009-1VL , X Factor, 50 discs per vial, HIMEDIADD020-1VL , X plus V Factor, 50 discs per vial, HIMEDIADD022-1VL , V Factor, 50 discs per vial, HIMEDIA-DD021- 1VL , Glycerol, HIMEDIA-MB060-500ML , C.S.F. Diluting Fluid, HIMEDIA-R004-125ML , Amikacin, HIMEDIA-SD035 , Amoxyclav, HIMEDIA-SD063 , Ampicillin, HIMEDIA-SD002 , Ampicillin sulbactam, HIMEDIA-SD112 , Azithromycin, HIMEDIA-SD204 , Aztreonam, HIMEDIA-SD212 , Bacitracin, HIMEDIA-SD003 , Cefotaxime, HIMEDIA-SD040 , Cefotetan, HIMEDIA-SD249 , Cefoxitin, HIMEDIA-SD041 , Ceftazidime, HIMEDIA-SD062 , Ceftriaxone, HIMEDIA-SD065 , Chloramphenicol, HIMEDIA-SD006 , Ciprofloxacin , HIMEDIASD060 , Clindamycin, HIMEDIA-SD051 , Cefepime, HIMEDIASD219 , Cotrimoxazole-Sulpha OR Trimethoprim, HIMEDIASD010 , Doripenem, HIMEDIA-SD283 , Ertapenem, HIMEDIASD280 , Erythromycin, HIMEDIA-SD013 , Fosfomycin, HIMEDIA-SD205 , GentamicinHLG, HIMEDIA-SD195 , Gentamicin, HIMEDIA-SD016 , Levofloxacin, HIMEDIA-SD216 , Linezolid, HIMEDIA-SD215 , Meropenem, HIMEDIA-SD727 , Piperacillin-tazobactam, HIMEDIA-SD210 , Polymixin-B, HIMEDIA-SD029 , Tetracycline, HIMEDIA-SD037 , Vancomycin, HIMEDIA-SD045 , Cefuroxime, HIMEDIA-SD061 , Colistin Sulphate, HIMEDIA-SD297 , Cefoxitin- cloxacillin, HIMEDIA-SD285-1VL , Cefotaxime-clavulanic acid, HIMEDIASD724-1VL , Ceftazidime-clavulanic acid, HIMEDIA-SD207- 1VL , Doxycycline hydrochloride, HIMEDIA-SD012-1VL , Fluconazole, HIMEDIA-SD114-1VL , Imipenem, HIMEDIASD073-1VL , Minocycline, HIMEDIA-SD158-1VL , Mupirocin, HIMEDIA-SD748-1VL , Nalidixic acid, HIMEDIA-SD021-1VL , Nitrofurantoin, HIMEDIA-SD023-1VL , Norfloxacin, HIMEDIASD057-1VL , Oxacillin, HIMEDIA-SD088-1VL , Penicillin-G, HIMEDIA-SD028-1VL , Rifmapicin, HIMEDIA-SD030-1VL , Teicoplanin, HIMEDIA-SD213-1VL , Tigecycline, HIMEDIASD278-1VL , Trimethoprim, HIMEDIA-SD039-1VL , Novobiocin, HIMEDIA-SD053-1VL , Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, HIMEDIA-MH063-500G , Corn meal agar, HIMEDIAM146-500G , Sterile Cotton Swab, HIMEDIA-PW005- 1X100Nos. , Balsam canada, Natural, HIMEDIA-GRM321- 500G , Boric acid, 500gm, HIMEDIA-MB007-500G , Tris buffer, HIMEDIA-GRM1218-500 , Lysozyme, HIMEDIARM074-5G , Yeast Extract Powder, HIMEDIA-RM027F-500G , Agar powder, Bacteriological grade, HIMEDIA-GRM026-500G , Tryptone, MB grade, Casitose MB grade, HIMEDIA-RM7707- 500G , Mannitol Salt Agar Base, HIMEDIA-M118-100G , Mannitol Salt Agar Base, HIMEDIA-M118-500G , Eosin Methylene blue agar, HIMEDIA-M317-100G , Deoxycholate Citrate Agar, HIMEDIA-M065-100G , Deoxycholate Citrate Agar, HIMEDIA-M065-500G , XLD Agar, HIMEDIA-M031-100G , XLD Agar, HIMEDIA-M031-500G , Columbia blood agar base, HIMEDIA-M144-100G , Hoyles Medium Base, HIMEDIAM015-100G , Columbia blood agar base, HIMEDIA-M144- 500G , Chocolate agar plate, HIMEDIA-MP103-20PT , Sucrose, Hi-ARTM or ACS, HIMEDIA-GRM3063-500G , Lactose monohydrate, Bacteriological grade, HIMEDIARM565-500G , D---Sorbitol powder, HIMEDIA-GRM109-500G , D-plus-Galactose, HIMEDIA-GRM101-25G , Congo red, Practical grade, HIMEDIA-GRM927-25G , Ferric chloride anhydrous, HIMEDIA-MB254-1G , Immersion oil, For microscopy, Low viscosity, HIMEDIA-GRM225-30G

SectorHealth Services And Equipments

AgencyIndian Council Of Medical Research

OwnershipCentral Government And Public Sector

ReferenceGem Bids

date_range Due On: 27 Feb, 2025

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INR 12.63 Lacs /-

location_on Tamil Nadu - Chennai

Construction Of Two Wheeler Parking Sheds Near Gate No 1 And Chokhani Building In Eecnd Ii Division.

SectorShipping Transport

AgencyChennai Port Trust

OwnershipCentral Government/Public Sector Tender

date_range Due On: 26 Feb, 2025

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location_on Tamil Nadu - Madurai

Supply of 6 Split Air Conditioner Including Green Ac Wall Mount Type V2 Q2

SectorEducation And Research Institutes

AgencyTamil Nadu Agricultural University.

OwnershipState Government

ReferenceGem Bids

date_range Due On: 22 Feb, 2025

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location_on Tamil Nadu - Chennai

Supply of Set Of Cage Clamp Terminals To Rcf Drg.No.Cc 72070 Alt B Duly Fixed With M Ounting Plate To Rcf Drg. No.Cc 72071, Alt A With Icf Annexure-1 Using Cheese Head Screw M5x16 Galvd-2Nos, Spring Washer M5galvd-2Nos And Plain Washer M5.5Galvd-2Nos. A Cceptable Makes: Wago 2007-1611/ Weidmueller Zsi 6-2 2X2.5/G20, Order No.1820930000 &P Hoenix Ft6-Drehsi 5X20, Order No.3025041 Or Equivalent Approved Makes Warranty Peri Od: 30 Months After The Date Of Delivery

SectorRailway Transport

AgencyIntegral Coach Factory

OwnershipCentral Government/Public Sector

ReferenceIreps Tender

date_range Due On: 26 Feb, 2025

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